Whether it is for a specific reason or just to stay fit and healthy, nutritional therapy can be invaluable to most people. It can help control diet related illnesses like diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome through understanding what kind of foods to eat more of and what foods to avoid.
How it helped me
Before I discovered nutritional therapy, I knew that I didn’t eat enough vegetables but after my consultation I realised the root cause of my IBS symptoms were due to eating too much of the same foods and in particular wheat. My food diary consisted of shredded wheat for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and home made pasta for dinner.
What happened next?
I was put on an elimination diet of no wheat and no dairy for 3 weeks. Having been a normal weight and never been on a diet, this was quite a shock to the system, though I noticed the bloating had disappeared.
The Result
I went on to lose 9lbs in 3 weeks by completely removing all foods containing wheat from my diet. I emerged with bags of energy, brighter skin and the bloating had disappeared.